Water Affordability Resources
Affordable water and wastewater services are critical for the health and well-being of households in the United States. OCS worked with grant recipients to set up LIHWAP, which sought to ensure access to these services in locally appropriate ways. Some state and local agencies already had existing water affordability programs they were able to work from and expand. While LIHWAP has ended and no additional funding has been appropriated at the time of this report’s publication, there are ongoing programs that are working to address water affordability in communities.
Examples of Ongoing Water Affordability Programs and Resources
Philadelphia's Tiered Assistance Program:
allows eligible households to enroll in a fixed monthly bill set between 2-4% of household monthly income.
Detroit's Lifeline Plan and 10/30/50 Plan:
are water affordability programs designed to keep water rates low by enrolling households in an income-based monthly payment plan.
DC Water's Customer Assistance Program:
helps customers in financial need who are having trouble paying their water bill. It allows for one-time emergency payments or on-going monthly payment plans.
Notable Example from Philadelphia's Tiered Assistance Program (TAP):
“As of July 2022, we finally have an arrears forgiveness program that credits the customer for payment and for 1/24th forgiveness with every tap bill that is paid so that the customer earns their way out of debt after two years of participation in the tiered assistance program.”
— Robert Ballenger, Senior Attorney, Community Legal Services, Inc. (CLS), Pennsylvania